The Coffee Place - Workshop (fr)
May 16 2019
(10 am-12 pm)
Usine C
A la carte: 15$ / Pro Admission: Student 59$, Regular 129$


Each cultural actor can integrate the ecological transition into their cultural projects through the discovery of eco-responsible solutions and a way of life in harmony with the environment. The objective is to raise environmental awareness, to participate in a change of practices to become an actor in a greener cultural sector.

Facilitated by Quintus, this workshop is an opportunity to discover how to develop eco-responsibility in the cultural sector. It will offer the opportunity / possibility to turn to a responsible lifestyle through different tools and tips offered by this agency concerned with current environmental issues.

QUiNTUS, a true promoter of creative and eco-responsible communication tools, aims to promote change agents and promote conscious consumption. 

Co-founder and President

Stéfany Chevalier

Stéfany is a passionate woman and a little bomb of positive energy filled with creative ideas. She is driven, ambitious and strongly committed to creating a positive impact on the environment and society. With strong values, she constantly seeks to demonstrate that every action counts and that we all have a role to play in creating collective awareness.

She has opted for the entrepreneurial path with the aim of bringing more meaning to this world. She co-founded QUINTUS, an agency whose mission is to facilitate the transition to a responsible lifestyle, offering intelligent content to educate, raise awareness, inspire and unite consumers and brands to generate coherence. Visionary and creative, she uses her full potential and leadership to advance the cause of sustainable development and personal development on an international level. She has a wealth of knowledge and a passion for the world of global well-being for all.

Managing Director

Maxime Baril

Maxime is an ambitious person with a head full of ideas and solutions. Above all, he is creative, inspiring and optimistic. This dreamer does not go unnoticed and his ideas of grandeur [G1] bring together many change agents.


His green reflex: I recycle and reuse to give a second life to objects that seem to have only one use... My coffee pot that no longer works is now a designer flower pot! Long live creativity!


A cause that is close to his heart:

I feel particularly drawn to organizations that aim to raise awareness among young people, it is our future.

It is important to pass on our knowledge and inspiration.

Relations between generations must be encouraged.